Wednesday Workshops Break
There are no workshops for the rest of the year, but plenty of activities and things to be a part of! So come and join us!
Thanksgiving Potluck
On November 20th, at 6:00pm we will have a Church-wide Thanksgiving Potluck dinner. This night will be run and sponsored by our ET Youth. After the dinner we will head to the sanctuary, where the Youth will lead a Thanksgiving program. Come and join us in a time of fellowship and thanksgiving, and to support out Youth. Go to the Events page to see what to bring!!
Christmas Decorating Party
Its time to decorate the church! Wednesday, December 4th @ 6:00pm! Bring you friends and family and join us!
Campfire, Worship & Smores
Join us December 11th @ 6:30pm out of the fire pit behind the youth for a night of worship! We will sit around a campfire, make smores, have a hayride and more! We would love to see you there!